Monday, May 28, 2012

Protecting Confidential Data from Unauthorized Access

No matter whether you use computer in your home or office. Anytime and anyone can access your computer data if you don’t have password protection or if you leave your PC not shutting down. At that time anyone can steal your personal and sensitive data via pen drive or any other removable storage. You can’t understand that but this kind of act is not acceptable to anyone. You can protect your data from stealing in some easy methods. Below those methods' description is given in easy words and in a nut shell.
1. By disabling your USB: To disable all your USB ports you’ll need to change USB registry. To make change to any of your computer registry at first go to ‘Run’ then write ‘regedit’ in empty box. Then hit ‘Enter’. After that you’ll see the registry page. In that page on right side you’ll find some menu. From those menu, expand ‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE’. Then expand ‘system’. Then expand ‘CurrentControlSet’. Then ‘Services’ and then search for ‘USBSTOR’ menu. Don’t expand that menu. Just click on it. Then some writings will be found on left white page. In that page you’ll find ‘start’. Right click on that and then click modify. Then in ‘value data’ section, write ‘4’ in lue of ‘3’. This will disable all your USB. After this, none can access your computer data in your absence. When you want to re-enable your USB drives, in same way go to registry editing page and make the value data ‘3’ in lue of ’4’. This will enable your USB again.

2. Using USB Disk Security software Using USB Disk Security is another easy way to protect personal data from stealing. Not all USB Disk Security software can protect data. Only USB Disk Security can perform this. You can get this software with crack from here.

If an error message comes,  click this link. After you click this link, a torrent file of this software will be downloaded. Click it. When windows prompt for option, click ‘Search the web for software that can open your file’. Then download ‘Final torrent software. After downloading and installing the software, open the torrent file that contains USB Disk Security software with final torrent. It will download the zip file that contains USB Disk Security with crack. Install the software and you’ll see that your software is a trial one. Exit the software. Then open the crack folder. There you’ll get an application named USBGuard. Copy it and paste it in the folder where you installed the main software. You can’t paste that at first. So rename that and paste. Now delete the previous USBGuard application again rename the crack USBGuard_1 to USBGuard. Now run it. Then you’ll find that your USBGuard software is fully activated. Now go to ‘Data protection’ and click ‘Lock’. To lock your USB you’ll need to run the software as administrator. By this way in anytime you can lock and unlock your usb drives without changing your registry.

3. Changing the security status of your partitions. It is another easy way to protect sensitive files. Just right click on the partition that contains sensitive files or files those you don’t want to share with anyone. Then click ‘Properties’. Then click ‘Security’. Then click ‘Edit’. In full control function click ‘Deny’ and come out from there clicking OK. Then check that the partition is inaccessible. To access the partition again in same way go to ‘Properties’, then ‘Security’, then click ‘Advanced’ and then choose any administrative method and then click OK. After that click ‘Continue’ and then you’ll get the section from where put a tick to ‘deny’ option. Now click ‘Allow’ on full control function and then return from there clicking OK.

These are all about data protecting. You can also use locker software. But here I’ve described the easiest methods of data protecting.

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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Writing Bangla On web without software

Do you want to write and see Bengali (Bangla font) on internet while accessing through a mobile or computer? Well, you are in the right place. Follow these easy tips to use Bangla fonts on mobile and/or computer:

To Enable Bangla Reading and Writing on Mobile Phones

1.To see Bangla fonts on web, one needs to have java enabled mobile phone at first.

2. Installation of a compatible version of opera mini for the phone.

3. Write 'opera:config' on opera mini's address bar and then press 'Go'. You'll be redirected to opera mini's user agent setting page.

4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. You'll see an option named 'use bitmap for complex scripts'. As default, the option is disabled. Enable the feature pressing 'Yes' from the drop-down menu of this option. Then press 'Save'

After making this little change on user agent setting, you'll be able to see any writing written in Bangla on web. If a phone doesn't have Bangla font pre-installed as writing language, you can still write Bangla on web using the phone.

To write Bangla on web, a mobile phone needs to have the compatibility of 'opera mini 5 or higher' or the phone needs to have 'copy-cut' feature. If your phone have compatibility on these issues, just go to Now write whatever you want on the text box on the page. Write just like you write Bangla using English alphabets. After finishing writing, press done or ok. The page will automatically be reloaded. Then you can see the converted fonts those you written in the blank box. On those Bangla fonts you'll see another editable text box where you'll see something like boxes. Those are the Bangla unicodes of the writings you wrote on first text box. Now copy those and paste on the text box where you want to write Bangla. You can write Bangla like this while sending emails, commenting on friends' wall posts on social networks or any other place on web. To see Bengali keymap, go here: AvroPhoneticKeymap.

To Enable Bangla Reading and Writing on Computer

Viewing and writing Bangla on compute is easier. You don't need to have specific web browser to read or write Bangla on web. The thing you need to have on your computer is, a unicode Bangla font installed in it. SolaimanLipi is a standard unicode Bangla font. Download it from here. Or write click on your mouse and click 'save link as' to download this font. After installing this font, you'll be able to read and write in Bangla on web. To install a font on computer, just copy or cut the font from the hard drive you kept the font and paste that on 'Fonts' folder, generally found in C://windows/Fonts. Just paste SolaimanLipi in this folder. The font will be installed.

One can write Bangla on web just as described above for writing Bangla using mobile phones. Click this link: OnlineWriteBanglaPad and write Bangla on web from computer following the instructions given in KeyMap. But you can directly do it using 'Avro keyboard'. Download Avro keyboard from here. Then follow the instructions given in that applications help tab to write Bangla correctly on web.

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Installing Trusted Certificates on Mobile phone

Now a days, mobile phone has become a part and parcel of our life. We not only call to our friends and relatives using a mobile phone but also send short messages, browse internet and many more. Many of us visit secure website like yahoo, gmail, msn, facebook etc. If your phone is a certificate supported phone, it may show a warning message telling 'Website not certified, continue with a secure connection?' or something like this when you access those secure connection using the default browser of phone. Sometimes that message shows for a several times. Then we need to press the 'Yes' button to allow accessing a secure connection. This is disturbing. On the other hand, during receiving email or synchronizing contacts on our phones' default database we see warning messages like that. This problem can be solved easily by installing some certificate on phone memory, that means, phone's file system.

In this article I'll show you how easily certificates can be installed into phone. To see if your phone is certificate supported or not, go to setting, then scroll to security. Here you’ll find an option named ‘certificates’. Click this option and you’ll see the trusted certificates installed in your phone system. If you don’t find any option like ‘certificate’ or ‘security’ into ‘Settings’, you may find that into ‘internet’. If you can’t find these things into your phone, your phone is not a certificate supported one. Now let’s see how to install certificate into phone.

You need a computer to do this deal. The computer needs to have internet connection and all security of that updated. Trusted certificate can be found in web browser of a computer. Here I’ll show you the process of copying trusted security certificates from Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.

Internet Explorer: On Internet Explorer,

go to ‘Tools>Internet Option>On the middle of the tabs, click ‘Content’>On the middle of the window, click ‘Certificates’. Here you’ll see six tabs named

1. Personal

2. Other People

3. Intermediate Certification Authorities

4. Trusted Root Certification Authorities

5. Trusted Publishers

6. Untrusted Publishers

Click these tabs and you’ll see the trusted certificates. Now you need to copy the certificate into file. To do it,

double click on any of the certificates.

Then click details. Before copying to file check that the certificate is expired or not from the ‘General’ tab. On the bottom of the window, click ‘copy to file’. Continuously click ‘Next’ until the name field appear. Now give a name any of your choice and save that with (.cer) extension. That’s all.

Mozilla Firefox:

On Mozilla Firefox, click ‘Tools>Option>click the last tab, ‘Advanced’>click ‘view certificates’. Here you’ll find five tabs those contains the trusted certificates. Click any of the certificate you as your need and then click ‘Export’. Now give the file name with (.cer) extension and make the file type ‘All files’ and then save.

Installing on phone: You may install a certificate in several ways. Just copy the file to memory card or phone memory. This time the certificates can be shown as unsupported item on phone. Now send the certificates to the phone where you need to install the certificates via bluetooth or infrared. This is the easiest way to install certificate on phone. After installing a certificate on phone some phone restarts or some phone ask for continuation of installing the certificate without restart. Now you have necessary certificates on your phone and from then the warning message will not show while browsing secure networks.

N.B: Certificates from mozilla firefox may not support on most of the phones as the certificates on mozilla firefox are of (.pem) extension. But most of the phones supports certificates of (.cer) extension

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